Just because you are struggling with debt or your mortgage, does not mean you have to lose your home to foreclosure. An experienced attorney can help you with home retention during this difficult time. By putting your mortgage into a restructured loan, you can find a way to save your house.
At the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley law offices of RHM LAW LLP, we help our Southern California clients with home retention during times of financial turmoil. If you are going to lose your home through foreclosure or you are considering bankruptcy, we can help you restructure your home mortgage through a modification agreement.
Call (213) 344-0043 or contact us on-line for a free consultation. It could be your first step out of the dark and into the light.
If you are on the verge of losing your house, you want to pursue every possible avenue of home retention. We always start with home loan modification. If that does not work, we can help you explore other options, such as Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
A loan modification will allow you to come up with a restructured mortgage that you can afford. While loan modifications can have up to a 70 percent success rate, they are not the best option for everyone. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, on the other hand, will allow you to keep your home, possibly modify your existing loan, strip off both consensual (a mortgage) and non-consensual liens (judgments) and provide perhaps more effective and immediate relief for your personal situation. We will help you come up with the plan best suited to your needs.
In the end, the ultimate goal is to make sure you save your home. Many of our clients qualify for Chapter 13. As the number one filer of home-saving bankruptcy petitions in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley, our lawyers know what kind of plans will work for you.
With a casual and accepting environment in our Southern California offices, we offer big firm experience in a small firm setting. Open weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., we offer weekend hours by appointment as well. Long-term payment plans are available.
For a free initial consultation about filing for bankruptcy with RHM LAW LLP, call (213) 344-0043 or contact us online. Our firm serves clients in the Los Angeles area and San Fernando Valley through offices in Encino and Los Angeles.
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We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.