Can Only One Spouse File?
When One Spouse Files Bankruptcy
When one spouse has accumulated significant debt in his or her name only, that individual may file bankruptcy without the other spouse being forced to file as well. While this option has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. It pays to carefully consider the pros and cons before making a final decision. An experienced attorney can help you determine if this is the right path for you.
At RHM LAW LLP , our lawyers will meet with you to discuss your unique financial situation. Our firm has helped thousands of clients in Southern California achieve reasonable solutions to debt problems. We recognize everyone’s circumstances are different and will help you determine the best route for you.
Your Spouse’s Income
If you file for bankruptcy but your spouse does not, your spouse will still need to provide information about his or her salary and assets. The bankruptcy court will use this information to decide whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you do not pass the means test for Chapter 7, your spouse’s income will be considered when a repayment plan is developed for Chapter 13.
Your Spouse’s Credit Report
If you file for bankruptcy, your spouse’s credit may be impacted if you own any joint property. While credit reporting businesses are not supposed to penalize your spouse, it does happen. One more thing to keep in mind is that your credit could affect a loan or credit card application if you jointly apply with your spouse in the future.
Serving Los Angeles, Encino and Other Southern California Communities
When considering whether to file individual bankruptcy, it is important to consider various questions. Is most of your property owned jointly? Are you ready to file bankruptcy but your spouse is opposed to filing? Our bankruptcy attorneys will help you make strategic decisions to get real debt relief.
Call (213) 344-0043, or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with our bankruptcy professionals. We maintain offices in Los Angeles and Encino. For your convenience, we offer payment plans.
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We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

Meet Our Los Angeles Bankruptcy Specialists
M. Jonathan Hayes Senior Counsel
Matt D. Resnik | Managing Partner Certified Bankruptcy Specialist
Roksana D. Moradi-Brovia | Partner Certified Bankruptcy Specialist
W. Sloan Youkstetter | Associate Attorney Certified Bankruptcy Specialist
Russell J. Stong III | Associate Attorney Certified Bankruptcy Specialist
David M. Kritzer Associate Attorney

We Wrote the Book on Bankruptcy
Get Your Copy Today
A Summary of Bankruptcy Law: Third Edition
Summary of Chapter 13

Committed to making the process as stress-free as possible for our clients, our Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys and dedicated staff will handle everything for you. From filling out paperwork through getting end results, we will work to help your case run smoothly and efficiently. We serve our clients in English, Spanish and Farsi.